Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Blunder Years

Johnny must be knowing this guy if you have watched Cartoon Network...

Let me narrate a series of funny, but unfortunate events that happened to me and my brother..

Period: mid - 1990''t recall the time

Scene: I was around 7 years at that time...and my brother was 12 years. We had a BSA SLR cycle and my brother loved going on rounds. But we had been advised not to venture into the main roads...because our parents had told that only big vehicles run there....and if our cycle got caught, we would come out as pure juice!!!!

True to their word, my brother had never ventured into the main road....but then, i was sitting on the saddle and we were doing rounds on the cycle. A sudden change of brother suddenly decided that we venture out into the main road.

And we were there...on the main road. I held on tight to my brother. He pedalled on and we reached All India Radio, a good half a km away from home.

And then, we decided to turn. Just as we crossed the road, something hit the cycle with a thud...i remember flying in the air and falling around 10 feet away from the cycle. My brother was crying and so was I...and I was searching for the cycle. It was flung to a corner of the road with the wheel rim bent like a 'U'.
All the slum people then picked us up and brought us home. I had a deep gash on my leg, but decided not to tell anyone at home, not even my brother, and escaped that evening because I was wearing a full-pant. My brother escaped with some bruises on his hands.

The rule was broken and mother shouted at us for quite some time. The next morning, however, mother found out about my gash and we rushed to the doctor....luckily, i didn't need stitches since it had been 24 hours from the accident.

Blunder Years it was !!!

SS ShilpaKumar

1 comment:

c2c said...

looks like your brother is the spontaneous, adventurous kind... you are oh so lucky! *LOL*